How Much Does Tree Removal Cost?

Removing a tree can be an expensive project, so it's essential to know the cost before hiring a professional. The cost depends on several factors such as the size and location of the tree as well as any surrounding areas that need attention.

Typically, trees that reach heights of 80 feet or more tend to be more expensive due to the need for cranes and other specialized equipment.


When it comes to tree removal services, there are a few factors that can influence how much they cost. One of the most significant is the size and type of tree being removed.

Trees that are larger and thicker require more equipment for removal, as well as additional expense when hauling away the debris afterwards.

Another factor that may influence cost is location. For instance, if a tree is close to power lines or in an awkward place, it may require more labor and safety measures for removal.

Other obstacles, like fences and other structures, can also increase the cost of tree removal. If you can arrange to have these removed prior to hiring professionals, that will save money on the task at hand.

Damaged trees

Trees offer homeowners numerous advantages – from providing shade and cooling to increasing property value. However, when trees become damaged or in poor condition, removal may be necessary.

When it comes to tree removal, the first step is assessing damage. If only minor harm has been done, most trees will likely recover with some pruning and TLC.

If the tree has suffered significant damage, such as splitting of its bark, cambium layer and growth layer, it is highly likely not to survive.

To assist the tree in recovery, cut away any broken limbs and prune them back to the trunk or main limb. Never leave a stub when pruning as this encourages decay and will delay healing.

Some municipalities have passed ordinances requiring tree removal permits. Violation of these regulations could result in fines being assessed to both the contractor and/or property owner.


When removing a tree on your property, safety should always come first. Whether you hire professionals for the job or attempt it yourself, make sure to follow all safety protocols so as to avoid accidents and injuries.

To begin, assess the job site and local weather conditions. If forecasts call for ice, rain or fog, you may need to postpone until conditions improve.

Aside from weather concerns, you also need to make sure trees and their branches are safe for cutting down. For instance, if the tree is near power lines, make sure they are de-energized during removal.

Another safety measure is to wear the appropriate equipment during tree removal. This includes gloves, a hard hat and other protective gear. Doing so can help avoid cuts, sprains or other injuries caused by tools.


Trees add character and beauty to a home, providing shade in the summer, stunning foliage in fall, and even acting as natural barriers from storms. Unfortunately, sometimes tree removal becomes necessary.

Insurance can assist in covering the cost of removing trees that could potentially fall on a property or cause structural damage. It also covers repairs or replacement of items damaged due to a fallen tree.

Business Insurance

If you run a tree service business, general liability coverage is essential to shield you financially in case of a third-party lawsuit. This coverage covers medical costs, legal fees and any losses that arise if a client or employee sues due to injuries caused by your services.

Professional liability insurance can protect you in the event a client claims your company provided incorrect advice or recommended services that were unnecessary. When determining how much professional liability coverage you need for your tree service business, you must take into account potential risks in your region, past claims filed against you, and industry standards. It's essential to carefully consider these factors when calculating how much coverage is appropriate for the situation.

Tree Removal Clarksville TN

Tree Service Clarksville TN

Removing a tree can be an expensive project, so it's essential to know the cost before hiring a professional. The cost depends on several factors such as the size and location of the tree as well as any surrounding areas that need attention. Typically, trees that reach heights of 80 feet or more tend to…